Why is building a business so filled with feeling shame?

Years ago I used to hate when people asked me what I did or how my business was going. I knew that I would stick a smile on my face and say with forced enthusiasm…

"It's so good! Everything is amazing!"

Which wasn't true.

What was true was that I was struggling.

Everything felt hard.

I felt like I had to push and fight to get every client.

Every social media post was an epic endeavor of over-thinking and second-guessing myself.

Every time I told people what I did, I cringed and waited for the judgment and ridicule I thought would come my way.

Every time I tried something that didn't work, the voice got louder...

"You suck at this."

"You're never going to make it work."

"You might as well stick with something safe and get a job."

Not to mention more thoughts about being a fraud and not going what I was doing that I can possibly share in one email!

In building a business we find so many ways to judge and shame ourselves because we believe that success is supposed to happen in a certain way. And if it's NOT then there's something wrong with us. (Rather than our strategy and approach!)

We believe have to "fake it till we make it" so no one sees us struggle.

We believe we have to hide our failures and our struggles.

But here's the truth my darling...

There WILL be challenges. That is the nature of business and the nature of life.

You are going to come up against things that are new or that you don't know how to do yet. That's just how it works.

Some things aren't going to work.

But what determines if you fail or succeed, is how you treat yourself when those things happen and what you do next.

Because if you're too busy telling yourself

"I don't know what to do"

"I should be further along"

"I'm a failure"

Then you're going to find yourself stuck in that spiral of shame and frustration that ultimately leads us to give up or opt-out.

So as you get ready for this new glorious week, remember that no one has the perfect or struggle free experience of building their business.

Struggle doesn’t mean you're failing. It's simply an invitation to look deeper onto what you're doing and how...

While remembering that you're doing something extraordinary in taking control of your success and future. Expect some bumps along the way.


The culture of urgency.


The most common thing I coach on.