The most common thing I coach on.

Someone asked me recently what I coach on the most.

And that's a tricky question because the tangible things I work on vary so much from person to person.

For some, it's time management.

For some, it's dealing with feeling overwhelmed or conflict in their family.

Sometimes it is weight loss or business building.

But I find that no matter what the "things" that a woman is trying to change are, the piece that's often the focus of our work...

Is their relationship with themselves.

Self-trust and inner power.

We live in a culture that actively teaches us to outsource our power.

And to fear stepping out of line.

It teaches us to always check our decisions with someone else to make sure it's the "right" one.

We learn to believe that someone else always has more knowledge or wisdom than we do.

We learn to second-guess ourselves. To assume we are always wrong.

We are actively taught that we should be small, quiet and always accommodating.

To believe that something is wrong with us.

Which we learn to do VERY well, and it costs us our self-trust.

I remember the first time I started to ask myself why I believed these things about myself and who it actually benefited.

The answer was… NOT me.

What I benefit from is deeply believing that I am the expert on myself and what I want my life to look like.

I benefit from trusting my instincts, knowledge and hard-won wisdom when I make decisions.

I benefit from believing that what I want and need is vital to my well-being and that I deserve to put my essential needs first.

And that I don't need to justify myself and my decisions. I get to want and do what I need to for my own life.

I'm not saying it was easy.

Stepping outside of the "rules" means dealing with thoughts of guilt and selfishness and risking rejection.

But on the other side is a sense of freedom and inner trust that becomes unshakable, no matter what's going on in our lives.

Because I KNOW I will always find a way. I've got my own back.

And that is also why I do this work in the world.

I help my community of women find that same inner trust. That deeply held self-empowerment that we all deserve.


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