Drama on flight 193

Human brains love to cause drama.

Yesterday while waiting to board my flight, I needed to pee (and I despise airplane bathrooms!) So I scuttled off, and by the time I came back about half the passengers had boarded (small plane) 

I had missed the priority boarding window. 

So by the time I got to my seat, there was no more space to put my bags and I had to go all the way to the back of the plane to stash my carry on and then basically play people Tetris in the aisle to get all the way back to the front of the plane.

Not a huge deal. Took maybe 5 min and everyone was very nice about it.

Except my brain.

It spent the first 30 mon of the flight saying things like:

“Well you just wasted all that money on paying for priority”

“How could you be so dumb as to leave before boarding” 

“Everyone on the flight probably thinks you were late”

“Omg you're THAT person 🙄”

“Also, now you're probably sweaty from hauling your bag around”

“Why didn't you just check the bag?”

“People think you're stupid!”

Listen. My brains a bit of a bitch.

And a few years ago I would have spent the rest of the flight sinking into a puddle of my own self loathing over it. 

I would have been so embarrassed that I probably would have spent the whole flight explaining what happened to everyone within 15 feet of me.

Hell! I probably would have announced it over the PA system if they would let me. 

My brain would have created a WHOLE BUNCH more drama if I had listened to it and jumped on board with what it was saying.

But here what I did do.

I heard my brain.

And I recognized that I dont have to agree with it.

It's literally just my brain offering observations. And judgements.

I decided that what it was saying actually didn't matter... And to just ignore it. 

Because the whole incident doesn't actually change ANYTHING about me or my life. 

It literally doesn't mean anything more than... I had to put my bag somewhere else. 

That's it.

But our brains love to make things than happen mean something more. Usually something negative about us. 

That little inner critic THRIVES on finding things to tell us we did wrong.

AND you don't have to listen to it.


Why I stopped waiting for apologies


You don't owe anyone an explanation.