Why believing everything your brain says is a bad idea!
A couple weeks ago while on a Zoom call I had this very LOUD thought pop into my head.
It said, "Have you noticed that the arch of one of your eyebrows is more rounded than the other one?"
And then proceeded to spend the rest of the day telling me why this was such a problem.
It told me that without symmetry in my eyebrows I would look strange. That people wouldn't take me seriously. That I immediately needed to invest in microblading or something because this was now
I offer you this story as evidence only that human brains come up with some crazy shit.
One of the biggest struggles is that we take our thoughts so seriously. Because they are OUR thoughts. We seem to think that whatever our brain offers us is true and that we are required to believe it.
Thoughts are just sentences in our brains. They literally mean nothing... until we make them mean something.
Just like I can hear my brain yap on about the arch of my eyebrow and know that its actual nonsense, I know that when my brain tells me things like:
"You don't know what you're doing"
"No ones going to like this"
"Who do you think you are anyway"
I literally don't have to believe it.
Even though it FEELS so true!
This is the same brain that freaks out about eyebrows and tells me that it's convinced that I will die if I say no to pasta and ice cream. The same brain that once believed that if I just believed it hard enough that fairies would sneak into my house at night and clean my room.
True story. I was 100% in belief about that. Because I believed the thought my brain had about it being possible.
The human brain has a worse success rate than your average weather reporter during Spring.
It has no idea what's true... it's just making some shit up on the spot.
So my darlings, don't take your thoughts so seriously. Your brain doesn't deal in truth, only in suggestion.