Making decisions other people wont like.
Today I had a super uncomfortable moment where I had to make a pretty big decision that I knew other people weren't going to be happy about.
I spent most of my weekend thinking about all the ways that I could try to make something work, and I couldn't find an outcome that's actually in my best interests.
Every option I considered was really just a form of people pleasing.
So as I drove into town to my office, I took a really deep breath and imagined what it would feel like to just do what I actually want to do.
There was immediately a feeling of calm and being grounded.
Self trust embodied.
Quickly followed by all the thoughts of people being upset and disappointed, but that feeling of calm was too clear for me to pretend that it's not the right decision.
I bet you’re wondering what this has to do with being a business owner…
Being a successful business owner requires a huge amount of self trust.
It's probably one of the most difficult things to cultivate, and it's also one of the things that's most likely to slow down our progress. In business, you’re going to find yourself faced with tough decisions… and moments where its hard to trust that you know what to do.
A lack of self trust looks like:
Second guessing our decisions.
Constantly changing the plan when things feel hard or scary.
Asking EVERYONE for an opinion before we take action on something.
Doing things that other people say we should, even though there's a little voice telling us no.
Constantly doing “research, taking courses and training programs but never actually moving forward.
Waiting till we feel “ready”.
Telling ourselves we don't know what we’re doing.
Over explaining ourselves or justifying our actions.
Constantly feeling like we’ve done it wrong.
And if this is you, the good news is that it's totally normal.
Culturally we have been taught that there's a right and a wrong way to do things and that there's an expert out there who has all the right answers.
We learn from very early on that making mistakes or risking failure is bad so we shouldn’t do anything out of the box or that isn't the “right” way.
So we quieten down that little voice inside us that is so filled with wisdom and fire.
We tell ourselves we don't know enough, that we have to see what other people think we should do.
That we should only act if we are sure it's the right way.
And in the process, we lose the very thing that creates incredible success.
Our uniqueness.
If you look at any wildly successful person, they all have one distinct thing in common. Their uniqueness drives what they do.
They know that they have something extraordinary to do here, and they are willing to trust their own voice even when things feel hard.
I’d love you to try what I did this morning.
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine what you would be doing differently if you trusted yourself and didn’t worry about disappointing people or getting it wrong…
What do you think your life and your business would look like?