Business ownership is an emotional rollercoaster.
Some days you're on top with a HELL YEAH I GOT TWO NEW CLIENTS!!
And you spend the rest of the day being super productive because you just KNOW that it's all going to work out and your business is booming.
The next day you have 10 people unsubscribe from your email list and you get a negative comment on Instagram. Suddenly you’re face first into a pint of ice cream because this is the beginning of the end and you might as well give up because your business is going to fail.
The emotional ride of being a business owner is the craziest roller coaster.
And this is normal. Whenever something happens, our emotional response is always there.
But what we do with that emotional roller coaster can make or breaks our business.
Think for a moment about the days where you 100% believe that your business is actually going to work and make money.
When I have those days, I am the productivity fairy. I’m a business ninja!
I get SO MUCH DONE. Way more than I had planned!
On the days where I believe my business is doomed however?
My brain tells me,
“Don’t bother sending out that email, no ones reading them anyway.”
“You might as well skip going to that networking event, no one wants to work with you.”
Everything that I have planned that would make my business succeed, my brain wants to cancel.
And this is why your strategy is so incredibly important.
If you left your business up to your emotions to run, it would be chaos. On the difficult days, we make random and frightened decisions.
Your strategy, your action plan, your accountability…
Those things are all in place to support you in the moments where your fear wants you to hide and not do anything.
Because it's those moments where you need the clearest path. The “set in stone” to do list. The coach that holds you to your strategy.
Your plan is what keeps your businesses growing when your humanness has its doubts.
Your plan is a support system. Use it!