Why your business is like a cake fail.
Last week I was at an industry mastermind with about 1500 business owners all gathered together. AMAZING.
Something I noticed when talking to so many of my colleagues was that everyone is looking at the wrong place for inspiration.
And making themselves miserable over it.
I spoke to many people who were looking at coaches with very successful businesses, with all their slick marketing and funnels and programs and groups and memberships and money…
Asking themselves
"Why isn’t that me?”
“Whats wrong with me that I’m not there?”
The thing is that your first few years in business are never ever going to look the same as those bigger businesses do now.
If you want the truth of what your benchmark should be, you need to find out what those businesses looked like in their earlier years.
I rarely watch TV but sometimes my husband will put on an episode of a show that I delight in called Nailed It.
It features amateur home bakers attempt to recreate the stunning and imaginative desserts and cakes created by a master patisserie and chocolatier.
The results are HYSTERICAL.
It may be cake but it looks absolutely NOTHING like the experts version that they are trying to copy!
But here’s the thing that always intrigues me. The cakes that taste good are the ones that win. Even though they might look like they were baked by Frankenstein’s monster while he was blindfolded.
Your business is going to be the same.
In the first few years, it’s going to look like a little bit like a Nailed It cake.
Wonky, not particularly pretty and not at all like the more experienced business owners current business does.
But the true test of a business, is whether or not you are selling value to your clients.
Delivering Value is what builds your business. Not how big or pretty your business looks.
It’s just like the wonky cake that tastes good. It will still win because the value is there.
Which means that instead of comparing yourself to everyone else and despairing about what your business “SHOULD” look like, you need to put your focus on nailing a few key things and some foundational skills FIRST.