Why mindset IS business strategy.
I was chatting to my mum recently about some of my earlier coaching work which was exclusively mindset and self development and she mentioned that she missed the focus being on that.
It was so interesting to think about because, about 90% of what I work on IS that.
But when people first find me, that's generally not what they are looking for.
When building a business people think that all they need is the right strategy.
Strategy is ESSENTIAL, without it you don't have a clear plan and your brain will just be running around feral, causing chaos.
Having a strategy means that you're spending your time and energy on things that actually move you in the right direction and are purposeful, intentional…
but strategy is maybe 20% of what makes someone successful.
Because the greatest strategy in the world doesn't matter if you’re not following through on it. If you're procrastinating doing the work.
No amount of strategy can save you from yourself if you give up whenever there are obstacles or failure.
There's no strategy that can fix you self sabotaging through pleasing people, or fear of what people might think.
And there is no plan that can prevent the fall out from believing that you're not good enough.
I love to be able to offer my people really practical support with their business strategy. In fact one of my most fun sessions recently was sitting with a client and friend and rewriting her website copy line by line until it felt like it really reflected who she is.
But without her mindset being in the right place, we could never have done that.
If she was still holding onto a belief like “I don;t know the right thing to say” we would never have been able to think clearly about what she wanted to truly communicate.
Or like a client I had a few years ago who wanted to publish adult coloring in books or original artwork, but who was believing an uncle who said “Nobody buys those things.” because it fed her own fears, and so almost didn't launch her book…
Finding the strategy that works for YOUR business also requires a strong mindset.
Because despite what people selling $20 business strategy templates online would have you believe in their marketing, there IS no one size fits all strategy. It's a process of educated guesses, some trial and error, and the skill of being able to evaluate results without letting your fears tell you that nothing is ever going to work.
It takes a willing and open mindset to be able to walk yourself through the journey of finding your perfect strategy.
And even if you create the perfect strategy, A plan is only valuable when it's supported by the mindset that creates action. That is willing to be uncomfortable and grow. That explores and resolves resistance.
The mindset that transcends our fears and primal desire to stay safe and not rock the boat.
A mindset that is committed to becoming the version of ourselves that is capable of achieving our potential.
THAT is the secret success to business. That is the magic formula to getting what you want.
Without it, all you have is a good plan.
And this is true not just of business building but anything you want to create in your life. Mindset plays a huge part!
I like to think of the work that I do not so much as helping people build businesses, that's a side effect. What I do is help build business women. By helping someone BECOME the version of themselves that IS capable of creating a successful business, the success becomes inevitable.