You only get one shot.
You only have one chance to make a good first impression.
You only have 3 seconds to get peoples attention online.
You're only as good as your last performance.
You only get one shot... make it count.
Have you noticed how much time we spend telling ourselves and each other that opportunities to succeed are limited?
I've been thinking about this a lot over the last few days, especially since I've been in bed with flu for a full week and basically been non functional.
I noticed that I was thinking a lot about how it was wasted time.
How I've lost the chance to do certain things because its now the end of January and I've "missed the boat" (like there’s a damn boat :D)
And then yesterday I was chatting to a fellow coach about something I had wanted to do but hadn’t been able to achieve last year... and she called me out.
"Why are you talking about it as though you only get one chance."
Well, because I've been taught to do that.
So much of what we are told growing up is about the importance of not failing. We're told that we only get a handful of chances and then you've blown it.
Which creates intense pressure! Major perfectionism or outright defeatism, leading to people either burning themselves out trying, or giving up before they've even given themselves the opportunity to try.
AND its not even true! Because there is no limit to the number of opportunities that can be found or created over the course of a lifetime.
What would happen if we gave up on that idea that you only get once chance?
What if, as a culture, we started renegotiating our relationship with failure?
What if you did that just for yourself and started to believe that there are always more opportunities, more chances to try?
What would change in your life?